Ballantrae Wedding a Hit Once Again
Saturday found us once again at perhaps our favorite venue of all, The Santa Lucia Riverclub at Ballantrae…or as we all know it….just Ballantrae. Early on in the day the weather looked grim with rain showers early, but as so often is the case, when it came to wedding time, the skies opened and the sun shone brightly on our lovely bride and groom. This wedding was a bit different however in that the groom wanted a bit of an oriental treatment. So, he custom made the arch for the ceremony, and rather than ordinary centerpieces, they had living bonsai trees on the tables!! How cool is that?! We picked up the action just before the bride arrived at Ballantrae, and loved the look on her face when she first saw the room, resplendent with black linens and red trim to further the oriental flavor. The weather clearing meant we could really capture some cool infrared images to go with our traditional visible light captures to create a very unique set of images for our couple. Once we got them inside, it was DJ Louie G who rocked the party thru the evening.