Beach Wedding Without All The Sand And Heat
Sounds strange right? But Saturday, we were by the sea in Lake Worth at the Lk Worth Casino. (no, its not really a casino either) hahaha but, it is a cool venue located above the row of shops on the beach. Our bride and groom chose to stay in the cool air conditioned upstairs banquet room rather than brave the near 100* effective heat on the beach. No wind, no sand, no sun no fuss. A neat alternative for those that want the beach flavor without all the “realities” that accompany being on the beach in the August heat. Inexplicably, the person from the Casino opened the doors 30 minutes before the ceremony began….pretty much rendering the a/c ineffective?? Strange. Once they tied the knot, we had just enough time outside to catch some shots with the ocean in the background before going back into the a/c for the reception. Just goes to show, there is no “one way” to do anything regarding weddings.